Friday, August 26, 2016

Set The Tone - Dance Sucker (Island)

This Glasgow quartet bear the dubious distinction of more appearances on The Tube than any other band in living memory. They will, however, need more than this scratchy white "funk" to clock up as many on Top Of The Pops. The re-mixing by Francois Kervorkian (a New York DJ responsible, among other things, for the brill re-working of Yazoo's "Situation") helps, but not enough. (Dave Rimmer, Smash Hits, January 20, 1983)

More months than it seems possible after  the initial succulent promise of 'Here Comes A Surprise' they've finally delivered: at last, harder Brit dancephunk that puts the tongue in the cheek. the grin in grind. the bum in bump, goes against the grain and the groin. Scratch by scratch it's minimal but satisfying and hurts in all the right places They understand how to get physical. The best dance record of the year until the next Tone 12 incher. (Betty Page, Record Mirror, January 15, 1983)

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