Tuesday, December 17, 2024

ABC - Be Near Me (Phonogram)

This sounds like a B side. They've never been the same without Trevor Horn and they're no good at producing themselves. The song is weak and I don't like this four-piece line-up. Pleasant enough, I suppose, but I don't think it'll be a hit. It doesn't sound glamorous enough. Thumbs down! (Curt Smith, Record Mirror, March 30, 1985)

Rose: Lots of nice sounds. The main melody is dead good but I can't get very excited by the song. Jill: This is much more like the ABC of old. I thought it was weak at first but I really like it now. There's a good toy piano on it. I feel a bit cheeky saying this but I wish they didn't look so daft. (Strawberry Switchblade, Smash Hits, March 28, 1985)

Friday, December 6, 2024

Orchestral Manoeuvers In The Dark - Shame (Virgin)

Most of OMD's songs, unfortunately, sound like Andy McCluskey and Paul Humphreys have fallen asleep behind their synthesisers during the recording. This bounds along quite chirpily at the beginning but then it trails off into the usual oblivion half way through. Maybe it's something to do with Andy's dreadful dancing. (Ro Newton, Smash Hits, March 25, 1987)

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